"Nazism, officially National Socialism"
بالعربي لان الارض بتتكلم عربي
النازية هي الاشتراكية الوطنية
بمعنى اخر
هذا الحزب النازي الذي كان يتربع على عرشه مجرم الحرب هتلر كان حزب وطني
وطني وطني وطني
الرجل الذي تسبب بمقتل نصف شعوب اوربا
كان وطني
الدنيا كلها تحترق من اجل عيون الوطنيون

من جانب آخر
هذا فيديو لعلي كاسكو اثناء تقربه زلفا الى احد الوزراء
هناك 35 تعليقًا:
وثــني صارت ما تفرق عن الوطني
اي صج حط لنا الرابط مال اليوتيوب
ابشر طال عمرك
كاااااااااااااااااااااااك بطني مو قادر صج انك مو وطني
بالضبط! هالفكرة حاولت أبينها أكثر من مرة..
تاريخ الوطنية عالميا يجعل المسمى المحلي صعب الفهم
طيب منو هذا؟؟ظ
ابوالدعجي طلع نازي يعني؟
الكاسكو وطني بشهادة سكان امريكا والوطنية عن بعد فمن انت؟!
أنصار فساد اسطبل الشهيد كما يقال من قبل المراجعية السياسية... تبا لنا.
البنت مو طبيعية LOL
حتى في تسمية انفسهم داجييين
اذا ماني غلطان الزلزلة
ومتزمت بعد
لايعه كبده
روح روح يالناشئ
الاسامي ببلاش
وين تطيحون على هالفيدوات
You are wrong, or at least your association of the German Socialist Party and Nationalism in general, is wrong. There is a lot of pride in being a nationalist who seeks to attain and preserve his land's resources and constant advancement
Yes, the German Socialist Party, as Nationalist, went wrong when they advocated the ethnic cleansing of their people, which reflects their Eurocentric mentality and resulted in the murdering of innocents
This does not mean that nationalism, as an idea, is negative, on the contrary. The example that Nazi Germany sets for us is how racism and discrimination is wrong and can manage to have human beings - the Germans at that time - justify murdering others based on discrimination
I find it extremely strange, however, that you mention how grotesque the Holocaust, committed at the hands of Nazi Germans, while leaving the existing situation of the West Bank and the Occupied Territories of Gaza
That is what I find surprising about this post. The occupied territories and the atrocities that the Israeli army - Israel - is willfully committing against innocent civilians is yet another Holocaust, this time committed at the hands of Zionists, not Jews mind you, but Zionists who insist on the inferiority of the Arab population to their own Jewish population
I'm embarrassed for you
دائما يحتاج السفاحون والمجرمون إلى غطاء من المبادئ والقوانين ينطلقون منها..
ليرضوا أنفسهم أولاً
وليسكتوا الشعب ثانيا ..
فإذا كان اللسان ينطق بالمبادئ، فلا ضير أن تسفك الكف بالأرواح
أصبت كبد الحقيقة
تسجيل مرور و متابعة
بوست جميل
والعقل المستعان
ناصر الكندري
ana agool ya zeen el 9aidaat
بعد اذنك راعي التنكر
Dear anonymous, there's not need to be embarrassed for anyone. Actually you have misunderstood the whole point of the post.
First of all there is no need for a lecture on nationalism as we are admittedly amongst the most guilty of it and it is in that spirit that we try to unmask those who appoint themselves guardians over all things nationalistic and therefore hijacking the whole movement of which we are extremely loyal. I believe you have misunderstood the post.
Secondly, and I am speaking for myself here, you seem overzealous to defend Palestinians although no one has even mentioned them? Furthermore we as Kuwaitis, please excuse me as I am not sure if you are or not, have a specially negative relationship with these people which is the understatement of the millennium without the need to get into 'the dog that bit the hand the fed it' nature of things.
The post was a textual caricature and an exaggeration of sorts that you did not get. If anything we are too nationailstic rather than too little or playing into the hands of those who would want that to be the case... yes we are aware of that as well.
I honestly hope you can take criticism as well as you give it.
السموحة يا راعي التنكر
ya slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 3al rad ya
q8i lay3a chabda 100%
bo na9ir
To Grossed Out Kuwaiti
It may be that I misunderstood the post; I will re-read it and apply your interpretation while doing so
As for your comment regarding Palestinians; I previously know where you stand on that issue, which demeans your status as a human being
Yes, we have had our share of disputes with the Palestinian people, but that does not mean - not in the least - that we should disregard their status as people who are living under a most inhumane, unjust, and purely unimaginable regime
They are the only people, in the twenty first century, who still have to argue that they are human beings as well and have a right to live
Speaking up for the Palestinian people is to be liberal, humane, and a nationalist because you must realize that what is bad for other people is bad for you as well
And yes, I am Kuwaiti and take criticism exceedingly well, I live on criticism so lay it out
وأتكلم العربية أيضا , هذا لراعي التنكر , لكي يتفضل بالرد بالعربية
Visit SWS's blog to learn about Kuwait's atrocities against domestic workers
Dear anonymous, please allow me to split this reply into two parts...
Part One: Realizing that you in fact misread the post and admitting so is exactly what I expected and it takes a big man as they say.
that was the easy part
Part Two: Here's where it gets bumpy... Please don't take it upon yourself to set my status as a human being as you really don't have the right. Don't you think? As for the Palestinians I urge you as I have urged the government and others, in not so kind a wording, not to downplay what has happened between our two people and in the darkest of times no less. It was not a "dispute" when they through actions not only words declared themselves our enemies and have acted upon it with blood and rape and torture, something that some of us have not forgotten. Our shameful gov't one time feeds us the story that it is the Palestinian people who have acted this way and it's not the official stand and other times feeds us the story that it is the gov't and the people on the ground actually have nothing to do with it!? Either way it is completely idiotic to stand with your enemies, please excuse me as there's not a kinder word for the meaning needed. I sincerely hope that in many many years from now our memory will fade but it sure hasn't now and we have every right to our memories. I am in fact very happy that you are well aware of my position on this topic as I hope everyone is clear as well as I have not kept it a secret in the slightest. It is an easy decision between being "politically correct" and being honest and obviously I choose honesty in expressing the majority of the Kuwaiti people's view on the Palestinian people and I do so without apology to anyone.
I furthermore find myself asking the question as to what in God's name is the reason for any Kuwaiti to side with his enemies and forget his own people and himself as a part of that people? Is it brain washing ever since we were kids at the hands of non-Kuwaiti teachers that Palestine is "our" cause? Or was it at the hands of fundimentalist Islamists still insisting it is? Or it that our Kuwaiti media is so weak in discussing our point of view that some have taken in the Jazeera and Arabiya and other Arab views on OUR matters and filling the void? No matter which may be the cause it still remains a duty for some of us to state that this is in fact how many Kuwaiti's feel... to hell with political correctness.
As for you noble feelings towards humanity believe it or not I share them completely with the exception of Palestinians and Iraqis for the reasons mentioned above and since your concern is purely humanitarian shouldn't it include the millions under the poverty line in India for example as well as the people in Brazil and other South American countries that are living in conditions that even animals shouldn't live under? Don't you realize that it was you who brought the Palestinians in particular into this discussion for no understandable reason? Also please don't assume my position on domestic workers here in Kuwait as I actually agree with you on that one and you are quite welcome to my archive to see for yourself. In line with being completely honest I stand on a ledge as I don't even know the owner of this blog's views on the matters discussed and in any case don't you find it strange that we as one people are split on a matter having to do others that actually bad mouth you and I on a daily basis? Please think about it and thank you for the discussion.
غير معرف
قبل ان أتفضل بالرد عليك باللغة العربية على حد قولك, عليك ان تترجم مداخلاتك حتى افهمها
راعي تنكر
لا أستطيع التعبير جيدا بالعربية , أجد لك مترجم إلى أن أتحسن باللغه
Grossed out Kuwaiti
You cannot be further from the truth. Even the most irrational fundamental Islamist has the common sense and decency to condemn the atrocities that are occurring on a daily basis against a completely defenseless people, native to the land yet have no human rights what-so-ever
The Palestinians - and the Iraqis by the way - are exceptions as people since their horrific existence has been taking place for over six decades with no help whatsoever from neighboring countries
No help whatsoever
Our people as Arab - Christians, Muslim, and Jewish Arabs alike - all share the pain that the Palestinian people share yet are unable to act upon that since we ourselves are oppressed by governments who are allied with the US and Britain, those who justify the occupation for their personal benefits, which is as indecent as your stand on the issue is
Yes, the Kuwaiti invasion was horrific and I too, have had my own personal share in the outcome of war, along with my people - Kuwaitis and bidoons alike
Yet, I have the rationality to realize that the Palestinian situation is greatly different from any other inhumane reality since they are living under what is now defined as state terrorism, where their blood spilling, as Arabs, is justified under the Zionism (as a regime) and in the name of God (as a tool used with the mass Israeli Public) which differentiates their situation and further adds to their suffering
No other nation suffers and have suffered as they did and still do. Zionism does not only happen when Gaza is bombarded but Zionism is a well-planned, intricate, and comprehensive regime which took place well before 1947 and is still ongoing
I urge you to turn off your Al Jazeera and head to serious journals, journals that were written by Jewish Americans and Israeli professors; you would be more than surprised to learn about the truly obscene nature of this dehumanized regime
What you watch on Al Jazeera is nothing compared to what takes place in a day to day existence; it will blow your mind
These atrocities are what makes Israeli leftists, for example, rally in the streets demonstrating against Zionism; and if Israelis are demonstrating against their own terrorist government you can well imagine what the indigenous people are going through
Only through basic reading through journals may you learn the truth about a people who have been forsaken by the world; nothing can compare and everything fails in comparison to their ordeal
Under Israel's state terrorism, civilians are massacred on a day to day basis; men, women, and children are abducted, arrested, jailed, beaten, strip-searched, and incarcerated without a shred of reason to do so
You may feel free to "discuss" this further, but unless you educate yourself first, discussing such matters would be futile with you
ابي الاخ اللي ما يجيد التعبير باللغة العربية
عربي و الا محسوب علينا عربي
ادري ردي و تعليقي اشوي قاسي عليك و لكن اذا لم تكن تجيد التواصل و التعبير بلغتك الام مع ابناء امتك، هل من المعقول ان تقنعني انك فعلا متواصل معهم و تفهم عليهم و تحس بما حولهم
معليش ما اظنش
غير معرف
لقد اثبت بنفسك انك لم تفهم موضوعي الاساسي
يا سيدي الموضوع كله سطرين وفيديو وانت راد علي بخطبة قومية شطولها
عسا ما شر
Enter Q8
You bring up a valid point; a very valid point. Yes, I am Arab and yes I am Kuwaiti
Aban An Jad
However, you must allow people their deficiencies, whether in language, knowledge, or otherwise since we all have our shortcomings. And no, you words are not cruel; they're right in place and you're justified to tell you the truth
Tanker Guy
LoL. I was merely responding to Grossed out Kuwaiti
ولكن على شانكم
What else have I noticed you use, oh yeah
يا سلااااااااام
Kuwaiti enough for ya
على شان ما تسحبون الجنسية
Give me a break already, it's been over eight yrs since I've written any Arabic and I'm still getting the hang of it
Dear Anonymous, "Futile" is more accurate than you realize starting from the fact that you again misunderstood... and this time it was what I said and it was in English. I referred to AlJazeera and the other biased media as bad sources of information and not that I watch them myself. Furthermore I find it appalling that you would deliberately falsify history to fit your view of things... no one helped the Palestinians!? Are you sure? You don't recall Egypt's wars? And Syria' as well? You don't recall Kuwait's support of the Palestinian people (?) and the origin of their liberation movement in Kuwait(?) and Yasser Arafat (?) or the preferred treatment they got here in Kuwait even better than they offered each other? What about how the Palestinians repaid us all and not only Kuwait? You don't recall or you won't recall? I find it hard to believe that you don't actually know these basic pieces of history.
Also you still haven't gotten to the point as to why you have such a "vested interest" in this particular issue and for a still unexplained reason shoved the Palestinian topic here while having nothing to do with it? And you still go in circles about it binging a Kuwaiti saying to mind... "تقوله تيس يقول لك احلبه". Please refer to my earlier replies.
Do not theorize about the situation here in Kuwait based on reports that you've read from atop a big horse. We live here on the ground and face the issues face first. Do not give me visions of "the outcome of war" as it is an insult to a lot of people here that still remember the stink of blood and the sight of murder and the feeling of betrayal and the evil that we endured and not read about in a report of a theoretical expert. People here still can't forget their fathers who've been shot in front of them in some cases at the hands of Palestinian militants aiding Iraqi soldiers. Others still waiting for ANY confirmation regarding their missing loved ones taken with the help of your beloved Palestinians whom were born and raised here in Kuwait and therefore know the streets as well as the people. For you to sit there and lecture us on humanity and completely ignore all of this is an insult. One that is magnified by the fact that you are in fact Kuwaiti... "Aban An Jad" no less.
You regurgitate old and dead Arab Nation ideals and ask us to believe in the dead after we have witnessed his final breath ourselves. There is no Arab Nation. Wake up. It wasn't there in 1990 and it isn't there now. What is there is greed hate and deception which might as well be trademarked. It is sad that I have this discussion with such opposition with a fellow countryman and I find myself needing to remind of all this.
It is a wonderful thing that you feel for your fellow man, as we all should, just don't forget your own. I wish you luck on your studies or whatever is keeping you abroad. If your computer still has Arabic on it it shouldn't be that hard to use it once in while as identity is more important than we realize.
I will leave some of your deragatory comments unattended for the sake of a civilized discussion. A discussion that is sad in so many ways.
Well if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black
I too, find your stance extremely appalling. Yet, your attitude is a reflection of your incomplete knowledge on the issue, since I do not think that you are as inhumane as to knowledgeably perceive the situation the way you do
First of all, I do realize the significance of the word "futile" when it comes to discussing matters with you, as I have previously pointed out. You see, I have urged you to read first before arguing. Not what you watch on the news but go further into the details of this intricate dehumanizing system to learn more; what you learn will blow your mind. Even the most inhumane person would be affected
I know exactly how you perceive Al Jazeera – LoL – which is why I recommended seeking other sources of information. And the most accurate information you may attain is one that arises from within this horrid system and condones it. That would be your most unbiased source
Furthermore, I did not misunderstand you in regards to your labeling the Palestinian reaction to the Iraqi invasion as bad. Yes, it was bad, monstrous, and extremely stupid. However, you must search for the reasons behind that animosity, and not merely react to it. We must always ask ourselves "why" in regards to any happening, otherwise we would be establishing an uninformed opinion that would naturally wreak countless negative outcomes
The Palestinians are and have been for a long time, very desperate people, justifiably so as well. You mention the Iraqi invasion which, to this day, is remembered by many who have gone through and still go through the horrific outcomes of an irredeemable crime. Like yourself, I too have encountered thousands of victims – from within various humanitarian organizations – who have sobbed over the loss of family members, their personal belongings, and more importantly, their mental health and self-esteem. No help whatsoever can restore their normalcy as human beings and alleviate their loss and suffering – and no one can deny nor depreciate that since it would be inhumane and utterly indecent
And whether you like it or not, the same goes for the Palestinian people. Negating their suffering and/or championing their cause is as indecent as the previous example of obscenity. You see, we have endured seven months of a gruesome invasion and we still suffer from its effect. Place yourself in other people's shoes to learn more about their experience. Imagine if we were under the same grotesque regime for over sixty years; how would that make you feel? Most importantly, what sort of people would we be if our land, women, and children were abused on all levels while we stand aside and helplessly watch
Part I
The Palestinian is who he is because no other nation – in the first twenty fuckin' century – has gone through what he went through. And don't throw that "we helped them" attitude that people assume is the only thing they can do about the issue; that is the stand of the weak and the helpless. We as nations stood aside and watched as millions were and still are being raped, defiled, tortured, and raped – the kind of help that we gave, as nations, is rather lame, don't you think
This is not merely about the Palestinians, but about two significant matters. First is how important knowledge and critical thinking are; you must always learn the facts and ask why – it is a very important question and many do not realize that. Secondly, and this has to do with my "vested interest" as you placed it, in this situation. Your stance on this issue should be that of condemnation since we are all people and being a humanitarian means that we condemn inhumane actions taken against people, any people
Condemning the Israeli occupation is to condemn murder, rape, women repression, corruption, wage-slavery, torture, animal abuse, deprivation of liberty, and all matters that infringe on our souls as human beings
Condemning the occupation is to condemn slavery, the Holocaust, Hiroshima, the Apartheid in Africa, genocide, and all crimes that have forsaken humanity on all levels
What is bad for others is bad for you and me
And please, since you appear to have a heart, visit SWS's blog to learn about Kuwait's atrocities against domestic workers – a living example of wage-slavery right here in our midst
It Isn't the pot calling the kettle black
Getting rid of the easy stuff first, I will visit the blog you suggested, thanx. As I said earlier I agree with you one this one completely.
Regarding the Palestinian issue the thing is that I do know what is going on but have lost interest in for the last few years. What you are doing is ask me and Kuwaitis in general to repeat a mistake. You see we have done what you ask. We did help them in the most significant way can. Their official and public response was to take hand in our invasion when we were down. They did not and still do not have a heart about that.
the Palestinian reaction to the Iraqi invasion as bad. Yes, it was bad, monstrous, and extremely stupid. However, you must search for the reasons behind that animosity
No. I mustn't
You don't have the right or even the logic to force me or other Kuwaitis to forget out pain and to EXCUSE those who have inflicted it. Maybe in time, I hope for everyones sake, but the not the generation that actually lived and still live what happened.
I must admit that this issue with Palestinians, and Iraqis similarly, stands out out of character with the rest of my views and one that is not comfortable for me as well in the deepest levels but one nonetheless that couldn't be clearer or more basic. People need to know that we did not forget and that we are not fine with it. It may be nicer and cleaner cut and even self-promotingly good to cry help for the Palestinians but when I hear of the crime of war with rape and murder and all types of animal behavior that you know of very well I am sure I think of Kuwait and my family and friends and people and not Palestinians whom were the aggressor when we were the friend. Please tell me who is inhumane?
Do not make light of our ordeal because it was "only" seven months while theres is so much more. That WAS why were completely on their side but they gave us a wake up call betrayal like none in history. Now you ask us to repeat a mistake. You don't the right sir.
I actually have Palestinian friendships and can not personally say that they, the Palestinians, are all evil as that is simply not possible. One good friend with whom I've actually had this very discussion in time agreed with me and is actually ashamed by the "general" stand of his people against those who helped them and in such a vicious way no less. That is how decent he is. Through these human interactions and good will that this situation between the two sides, and any two sides, will be dissolved in "time" but for now we have the right to our pain and those who have inflicted it.
أنونيمس أحبك والله العظيم ورب الكعبة أحبك وااااي منين طالع انت منيييين ؟ بس عاد تبي الصج ؟ تراك مصختها حطلك بلوج عيزنا واحنا نراكض وراك .
Grossed out Kuwaiti
Despite the fact that you bring up semi-valid reasoning, you lack knowledge and good judgment, which are in this case intertwined since your lack of knowledge on this issue has led to your lack of judgment in regards to a cause worthy of being compassionate about, if only through principle
You do not have to do anything about it since we all, as people, have to find our own calling be it national or worldwide humanitarian causes
However, you must always be compassionate regarding those who are oppressed, regardless of how you feel about them. Oppression is inhumane and not acknowledging it nor making a stand against it is inhumane towards yourself
Humanity is to have the strength to point to aggression and proclaim it as wrong, even if you hate the people who are under aggression; otherwise you would condemn yourself, not anyone else
Anonymous @ 5:44
Your comment was heartwarming and funny, especially the "Mneen" part. LoL. The only ones whom I heard say Mneen were grandmas and grandpas. Anyway, as much as I would love to believe it, you do not love me but rather love what I say and in that same sense I say I love you too. There are millions of people worldwide - Arabs and non Arabs - who feel the same way I do and apparently yourself, and are admirable in their pursuit of justice in that part of the world, where people are beyond marginalized and beyond dehumanized
As for a blog, I do not have the time - nor the interest to tell you the truth - to set up a blog. Besides, there are thousands of blogs out there which outshine all of my comments. Although I'm new to this field, there are a couple of blogs that I've found to be quite good, here are some bloggers whom I've considered to be my heroes
جبهة التهييس الشعبية
الحلم الجميل
كلبونا جماعة
And a number of blogs that speak about political corruption in Kuwait
Honestly who are you to judge the quantity of my knowledge and the quality of my judgement!? You need to get off your high horse for a second. Do you know (as a Kuwaiti in particular) what day is today of all things? Or did you forget? It is the 19th anniversary of the day Iraqis were helped by Palestinians and invaded us! It is beyond me how you fail to see them as the aggressor despite what they admit to this day from alliance to Saddam! You have a broken record as what constitutes a humanitarian issue and what doesn't... what about the Kuwaiti invasion by Iraq helped by your beloved Palestinians? Not on your list of humanitarian issues? Do not lecture the victim about the injustices fallen upon his victimizer even if it feels self-rightous and warm and comfortable to do so.
You keep going around in circles and not take into account any facts presented to you. I understand what you are saying... it is just that I disagree with it. You are pinching a raw nerve and the fact that I am even discussing it with you is lost upon some people.
BTW... the anonymous guy was being sarcastic and you didn't get it.
We end the discussion, then, on agreeing to disagree
Which is fine
I wasn't aware that it was a guy, nor that he was being sarcastic; you shouldn't have pointed it out though - party pooper - shoulda let me enjoy it
May all people have peace
I can respect that
We probably see eye to eye on a lot more than you think, just not this one
Sorry to have pooped on your party man
You're alright
كويتي لايعة جبده !!! واااااي شهاللقافة !! شحقة تفسر حجيي وتغيير فيه ؟ هذا وكلامي واضح وصريح ومن كل قلبي ! كل هذا من القهر ؟ واااي صج قلب أسود . كويتي لايعة جبدة وملوع جبودنا وياك ! ملقوف نجري بو قلب أسود قطع !
أنونيمس مالك شغل فيه هذا ميت من الحرة ليش شاف اللي يقدرك ويقدر حجيك السنع . آنا ما راح أرد هنيه علشان ما أنقث من بعض الناس . أنوننيمس الله يوفقك يا رب !
كويتي لايعه جبده والغير معرفين
ما يحتاج بعد
المدونة مدونتكم
اخذوا راحتكم
واذا تامرون على شي انا موجود بامر الخدمة
يا حياكم الله
إرسال تعليق